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Everything posted by LotzCC

  1. What determines the bump push distance for a window or door and can the default be adjusted?
  2. I am trying to draw an odd shaped driveway using the polyline driveway tool, but can't get it to snap to the edge of the spline road. The corners will snap, but not the arc. See attached video screen shot and CA plan. Please help. Cepican-Existing 2024-12-05.zip Spline Road and Polyline Driveway-Screen Video.zip
  3. Thanks Michael. That's definitely a good workaround suggestion.
  4. I have one portion of a roof with an overhang/soffit that extends 2 or 3 feet further than other adjacent roof planes, but the soffit does not extend to the house wall. See attached site photo and screen shot of my current model. Please help.
  5. That works. Thanks.
  6. Is there a way to mark Library items as favorites?
  7. I'm using x15. I have contacted support and will follow up here with a note about the result. Thanks
  8. Thanks for trying. I will send the issue to support if needed.
  9. Hi Eric, See attached plan file. My Template 1.0.plan
  10. See attached image of Chief door component with the exterior door hardware not sitting on the face of the door, but sitting slightly under the face of the door. I doo not see a door hardware placement option for this one. Please advise.
  11. Thanks for your response. I have the roof trim layer unlocked but can't get the molding line to edit.
  12. All, Thanks for all the response. I did a few hours of personal training with Chief trainer and asked them to address several issues like this, but most of the solutions were just work arounds, and manual drawing. I hope the developers are listening and working on solutions. My hack for the flat porch ceiling was to increase the thickness of the porch ceiling finish layers and then match the material to the soffit. See attached images.
  13. I have a half hip roof with the gable roof part of the frieze board missing. Settings include frieze on both eave and gable. See attached image and please advise.
  14. I am working on an as built model and am trying to draw the porch roof and ceiling which is flat and at the same level as the soffit. My first try was to set the finished porch ceiling level at the same elevation as the soffit. This has worked in the past, but in this model there is a cantilevered second floor partially over the porch. When I adjust the ceiling height of the porch room, the entire adjacent first floor ceiling moves down to the soffit level. My second try was to create a separate roof plan for the porch and to increase the dimension of the soffit. This almost worked, but the soffit will not extend under the cantilevered second floor. See attached images of the existing home, views of my model with both tried options, and the model file. Please advise. Bargle-Existing 2024-08-02.plan
  15. That's a good work around. Thanks!
  16. I have a sidewalk that needs to have a hole cutout (planting bed). I see the slab tools have a hole in slab tool. Is there a way to do this with a sidewalk?
  17. I'm have trouble with getting a roof to finish and close the joints at the frieze, soffit, and gutter. See attachments. Donnelly 1.0.plan
  18. I missed the comment about the door having a bug, but now I understand. The screen shots of the pattern settings are also very helpful. Thanks to all!
  19. Thanks Kbird1, I am using X15 and can open your file. You are correct in pointing out my screen material is using a fabric texture. I was not able to find a screen material in any of the Chief catalogs and created my own screen using a fabric texture as directed by a one of the how to make a screened patio videos. It appears that your screen material that uses the mesh texture is scaling the same when applied to the door and the screen panels. This is not the case for the screen material that I was using. Seems like if the same material is applied to any objects in the plan, it should display the same no matter where it is used.
  20. I am adding a screened patio with screen panel windows and a screen door and have selected the same screen material for both. As you can see on the attached image, the screen material shows differently on the door with the material image texture showing much larger. I am also attaching my CA file. Thompson 1.1.plan
  21. See attached screenshot of the garage doors in my model and a photo of the existing garage doors and my CA file. I used the modern steel door with windows but don't see a way to mirror the door like other objects. I want the windThompson 1.1.planows to the outside on both right and left doors. Also want to modify the size of the windows. Also want to add windows to top of the center door. Thompson 1.1.plan
  22. I can't find the door I want in any of the catalogs, but see one that is close. Is it possible to make a copy of a door and then modify and save it to my user catalog?
  23. Thanks Renerabbitt. I'm hoping Chief can automate the process of creating arched brick details, but your video demonstration is very helpful. The other part of my question was about how to create the portico/porch structure of the house. See additional attached image. Do you or anyone else have a video or direction on how to best draw it in CA?
  24. Please see my attached images of the existing house I am currently drawing. I am looking for tutorials on how to create the arched entry porch and brick details around the doors and windows.
  25. Deck rim and end joists are automatically sized at 1 1/8". I am assuming whoever set the default in the app design is assuming the rim and end joists would just match the default decking. My company uses the same 2X pt lumber as the joists and then fishes the ends and rims with 1/2" PVC/Composite fascia/cladding. This seems to be the norm for the new matenance free deck materials. I previously found that Chief does not have automatic deck fascia settings. Is there a setting to size deck end and rim joists? Has Chief added deck fascia settings that I am not seeing?