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Everything posted by ScottElsley

  1. Hi Chopsaw, thats the button mate. Thank you so much.
  2. Hi Solver, I am finding previously drawn rectangular or square (or any other shape for that matter) that were connected polylines , ie using the Rectangular Polyline Tool, or new ones using the same tool are now separate lines. The will not snap at the corners and the only way to close them is to make then into a CAD block which means I cannot add textures.
  3. Thanks Glenn, Unfortunately it doesn't give me the same selection. So odd as it's been working for ever and now just stopped. Appreciate the help.
  4. Good afternoon everyone. Firstly I am still using Chief X2, and for the last 3 days rectangular polylines that were drawn automatically snapped closed are now just for lines, and I can't close it off and create blocks. Can anyone help? I appreciate your time. Many thanks Scott