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  1. Thank you! Definitely give it another shot. There has been tons of changes to UE4 especially with its free release.
  2. I can agree with you on that one, blender isnt my favorite but I am slowly getting accustomed to it. I really didnt do anything fancy in blender, the only thing I did was select a mesh > smooth it out> select another mesh smooth it out etc. If you prefer not to use blender, substitute it for sketchup. You can do the exact same thing with sketchup and export it as a .fbx file for unreal engine. The reason why I chose to use blender instead of sketchup is because I found that with larger files, sketchup sometimes tends to crash while exporting to .fbx when you do a ton of smoothing on meshes.
  3. Thank you very much jon. I was actually going for the HGTV look haha I appreciate the kind words!
  4. Thank you! The process is actually pretty simple. Basically I went through every way of exporting the file from chief architect to get the best result. I found that .3ds was the best! -I exported my design in Chief Architect as a .3ds file. -Imported that .3ds file into "Blender" to smooth out the surfaces on any of the props (stoves, chairs, cabinet handles, etc.) -From "Blender" I exported it as a .fbx file. So Basically this: MODELING SMOOTHING FINAL Chief architect (export as .3ds) > Blender (export as .fbx) > import into UE4.
  5. Hello everyone, I modeled a design inside of chief architect and animated it inside of Unreal Engine 4! Took about 3 days to complete PC Specs: CPU: Intel i7 4770/GPU: GTX 660/ 8GB ram Around 50-60 fps -Jeff