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  1. Dropbox Link to Plan Zip Area of issue... 3rd Floor / Attic Wall that separates the Stairs to the Bonus Room and the Bonus Room Proper I have deleted and replaced the wall a dozen times. The way it builds just doesn't make any sense, so I am concerned I am missing something. Thoughts or suggestions would be appreciated.
  2. Did not want to be that guy that doesn't get back with follow up. I went with Kbird1 suggestion and added a new wall definition. Not marking as a solution as the CA videos and other help materials suggest to use the "Furred Wall" option. For me, the wall (and that wall only) continues to reverse the layers when snapping to the "Siding 6" exterior wall. Using the "Reverse Layers" tool has no effect. Thanks all for the input...
  3. Plan attached... Level 1, Working around the construction line as seen in the capture below... Exterior Walls -- 8" Concrete Foundation with 1" Foam CI Interior Changes to the 6" Siding Wall at the Construction Line Added a Wall with a 1/2" Air Gap in place of the exterior drywall, and changed to a furred wall. When the furred wall snaps to the foundation wall everywhere else it works. When the furred wall snaps to the foundation wall at the construction line, the layers reverse (dry wall is next to foam). Drag the furred wall away from the foundation wall and the layers reverse to the correct orientation. Tried in about every combination and edit I could try. As a first time CA user, I suspect strongly it is something I am doing wrong - again. Did search forum and web, but nothing close was found. Have not submitted to Tech Support, assume it is something I am doing... Any help or direction would be appreciated. Lot 28 Comb - 17.plan Lot 28 Comb - 17.plan
  4. This was spot on, thanks. Seems there are in fact quite a few elements that can be turned on or off. Thanks again, I am terrible at tracking changes or more importantly the reason for changes. Would have been very difficult to go back and update the older version of the drawings. Definitely see CA trying to build walls to 0. What is odd is that I have gotten through most of the issues and have a real world terrain based model with original and final grading contour lines. However, when I select a footing or wall as an element, the base lines extend to 0, though there are no visible elements at 0. The other place it creates a challenge is in initial 3D views - Perspective and the Room Specification Preview but others also. The views open to include the 0. With what I know today, if starting over - I would have based elevation off the walk-out basement floor. The negative elevations for the down slope would have driven me nuts (just a bit OCD over things that don't really matter). I got wrapped up trying to make the terrain work and at some point the plan just grew with the real world elevations. Terrain and Wall Heights have been the hardest part of CA for me to get comfortable with.
  5. CA Premier x13 Attached is the screen shot (*-12.png) of the Great Room of the attached Plan and the same room from a previous iteration (*-11.png) of the plan. I spoke with Tech Support earlier today but was told there are no settings that I have access to that effect the Preview. I opened a case and posted this to Tech Support a bit ago. I am not sure whether to go back to the earlier version and re-make the changes or continue with the version I am using and hope there is nothing important wrong when I try to roof, frame, etc... Thanks Tony Freeman Lot 28 Comb - 12.plan