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  1. Yes, I use the "Chief Architect save as pdf" option. Everything generally looks fine on the the preview screen but when the pdf generates there will be lines or areas missing. I do use the Mac Preview to view and print pdfs and I am aware there is a know issue with black boxes appearing instead of the images when printing so it wouldn't surprise me if this was also a Mac Preview issue.
  2. I primarily use watercolor renderings with the line drawing overlay and I often run into issues with the lines disappearing from the pdf when exported. I am currently using Interiors X13 but had this issue with X12 as well. I usually have multiple watercolor images on a layout and it will randomly remove portions of the line drawing when I export the layout to a pdf. The first image is how it looks on the layout page and the the second image is how it appears on the pdf page. I am running the software on a MacBook Pro and wonder if it is software glitch or some computer issue (lack of memory etc)