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Posts posted by ChiefAmatuerJay

  1. well, further searching  found this article, which appears to be the first part of what I was asking to do:



    At least the rendering in that article looks correct. I've gotten down to step 2 in that article where it says to click the Make Room Molding Polyline edit button, and it shows a bitmap picture of the command. On my system, I have a convert polyline command on lower left hand menu, but not Make Room Molding Polyline button. I really wish these articles would show where some of the commands they specify are.

  2. hI all,


    I've got a design for a matching garage/barn for the classic Queen Anne Victorian I'm designing. I've attached an image showing the garage. Basically, I want to place a 10" or so blank band right where the gable begins and above the band I want to use cedar shingles with a round bottom edge. On the actual building these would all be different colors. say white for the band and a darker version of the color on the main part of the wall. I hope I've described this clearly enough. I've looked online for answers, but nothing really looked like I want. Anyone have some ideas for this operation?



    vvictorian barn.jpg.jpg