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Everything posted by GuyBreton

  1. I am having trouble figuring out how to draw a two story loft inside of a shop. How do I get the second floor with interior walls? Working in 21.
  2. Good day, I"m looking for help getting the elevations of our project sorted out so we can do some planning of our landscaping. I have terrain elevations to input from a topo map but when i try to adjust the terrain around the house it just goes all wonky. The driveway is to low, the walkout area is to high and I need to do some contours as the land slopes away from the house.. HDP Print screens.pdf
  3. I know there is much to fix for efficiencies and make it look better. That is why I am looking for someone to take on the project. Are you interested?
  4. I am willing to rethink anything. We will need a Peng involved in the project anyhow as I want to put a workshop in the basement of the garage. We will need engineered slab for that. Are you a designer?
  5. Good day, We are looking to do an ICF build and have footings in the ground in July. We have our plans done in Design Pro 21 but are amateurs and we need some critical eyes for our design to help us downsize and someone to put it all together for us. Please contact: BRETON New Home Layout.pdf Back Exterior South Elevation.pdf BRETON New Home Layout basement.pdf BRETON New Home Layout.pdf Front Exterior. North elevation.pdf
  6. Good day, We are moving to the Leduc area and doing a new ICF build. We have prelim dwgs of our ideas but want professional input, refinement and final plans and dwgs. We prefer to work with someone local to the area in Leduc to Drayton. Cheers