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Posts posted by JLU_Design

  1. On 8/22/2024 at 2:50 PM, Hammer7 said:

    C drive is holding 115 gig with only 4.4gig available

    You definitely need a larger hard-drive.

    You may need more ram as well.

    If you are short on ram your computer may be trying to use a swap partition on the hard-drive as well which could be exasperating the problem.


    I would also recommend this tool box to fix common windows problems which could potentially improve the performance of your PC.



  2. 1 hour ago, DBCooper said:

    I found this in the help system:


    When content is deleted from the Library Browser, data associated with that content may remain in the library database. If you delete library content for the purpose of increasing available disk space, you can right-click on the User Catalog as well as the Trash and select Vacuum from the contextual menu. 




    I did search the help but couldn't find an explanation the first time around.

    I wish that when you search for something the link would open to the exact spot where the search term is used.

    I missed it when I looked the first time.

  3. On 6/20/2024 at 9:42 AM, Leadcarpo said:

    Is there a simple way to modify this macro to make the number show as rough? 

    This is what I use:

    RO Sill Height:



    Quite simple actually.

  4. I'm trying to access some data I have stored in an Object Information Custom Field.

    I tied searching the help but can't seem to find any Info.


    This outputs all the info in all of the custom fields:


    I want one specific custom field data output.


  5. Default Sets

    This is super powerful once you can get your mind wrapped around it.



    I think the most important thing is to have the following specific layers for each default set.


    A specific CAD layer for each Default Set:


    A specific Dimension layer for each Default Set:


    A specific Revision Cloud layer for each Default Set:

    As you can see I don't have a specific revision cloud layer for all my default sets.

    Some of them share Revision Clouds,  General.


    A specific Text layer for each Default Set:



    I've thought that it would be nice to have a wizard to create all of the important parts to a new default set because it's a good bit of stuff to try to remember to check when setting up a new default set.




  6. This thread caught my attention because I've been frustrated with how chief handles room labels.


    Some rooms would ask to show the label and others it would not.
    After some investigating I found that some of my rooms "Function" was set to (Unspecified).
    It appears like if the room function is set to Unspecified the show room label checkbox will be unchecked by default.




    To me it would make more sense if the room defaults dialog would have the option to set whether the room label will show by default or not.


    On another note I've gotten to the point where I don't like Chief's room labels anyway because I prefer to use a rich text box to show the rooms definition.

    I want the room name to be formatted differently from the room specifications and you can't do that with the default room label text box that chief uses.

    If Chief would  use a rich text box for the default room label I would switch back to using the default room labels.


    So I unchecked this so Chief does not bug me about showing the room labels:




    What's interesting is if this is unchecked all the show room label check boxes are unchecked when changing rooms.




    I don't know if this has helped anyone else but this has helped me understand a little better what chief is doing in the background.


    I still think there could be some improvements to the default room labels.


    Hope this helps in some way.


  7. 23 hours ago, Tkangas said:

    An issue I've been unable to fix is: to make a flat roof thickness match the fascia height. When viewed from below, the soffit appears recessed into the eaves, but it should be flush (or nearly) with bottom of fascia. 

    The soffit height is controlled by the bottom of the sub-fascia.

    The top of the finished fascia is is controlled by the bottom on layer# 1 in the Roof Surface Definition dialog.

    Another thing I do is add a 0" layer at the bottom of the surface definition to trick Chief into building the roof structure correctly.





    That's how it makes sense to me anyway.


  8. 4 minutes ago, solver said:

    Try the line in bold.


    %thickness% Concrete Slab


    %volume.to_s('cu yd')%


    %(volume/27).round(1).to_f% CU YD



    That looks better I think.

    Not so many brackets.


    This is what I'm using after your input:


    %thickness% Concrete Slab

    %(volume/27).ceil(1).to_f% cu yd


    Because I decided I want it rounded up.


  9. Well, I guess I just needed to ask to figure out a solution my self.


    %thickness% Concrete Slab

    %volume.to_s('cu yd')%

    %((volume.to_f)/27).ceil(1)% cu yd




    This is a way to do it...

    If someone has a better way let me know.


  10. 14 minutes ago, solver said:

    Ruby is a programming language, not something exclusive to Chief, so a web search will find syntax to try.

    And a forum search should also find some helpful info as rounding is a common question.

    I understand and have done that.

    .round does not work for some reason


    I thought someone familiar with Ruby and Chief might be able to quickly tell me what I need to do.

    I've messed around with this off and on for several months.

  11. I've been stumped on this for a while.

    I want the volume of a concrete slab displayed in cubic yards rounded to one decimal point in the label.



    What I'm using in the label:


    %thickness% Concrete Slab

    %volume.to_s('cu yd')%


    Can anyone point me in the right direction?

    Thanks in advance.