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Posts posted by grumpydad

  1. Thanks everyone for your replies. I will certainly leave the details to the professionals that know how the house should be built and jest keep the basic defaults to get the plan in place. I just was trying to avoid having to pay $2000 for house plans from one of these online house plan sites. 



  2. Robert, 


    Thanks for your reply, this is exactly what I was thinking. Without being a builder and knowing those types of things I can only go so far in my design I would imagine. So no matter what I do in my design I will have to have a builder review the design and make the necessary changes. 

  3. I will start by saying I am not a builder just a design engineer who wants to design his own home. I purchased Chief Architect Premier and have started to design the house. However since i am not a builder I am unsure if the default setting in Chief are accurate for how walls, floors, roofs, should be built. I know there are lots of options and ways to build these things I am mainly look for guidance as to what is normally the standards. How accurate are the defaults? any direction to find these answers would be very much appreciated.