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  1. Hi there, I think since X13, every time I try to move slightly a cabinet, the software will try to autofill the gap with a panel. How can I turn off this? Cheers
  2. Problem is fixed. Like I said, it worked great on the TV. The 4k TV has the option to select full UHD color ON or OFF based on which input you are using. It was ON. I selected it OFF, resolution of the TV went down. Then I shut off the computer and reconnected it to the monitors, and everything is fine again. Weird one, but glad it works! Thanks for the help. Cheers
  3. So I reconnected the desktop to the TV and it is working fine on the TV. TV is 4k UHD and the 2 computer monitors are 1080p... not sure where to start with that. It happens on new camera views, yes. I will check your ideas tomorrow. Getting late. Thanks for the help
  4. Here is a screenshot. Doubt I damaged the GPU, everything was shut down properly. And other software or video games work fine. I tried different HDMI ports, same thing.
  5. Hi there, Being using latest X13 for a couple of weeks now, windows 10. Pc drivers up to date, GPU up to date. never had an issue. I usually work with 2 monitors. Today I disconnected my desktop and connected it to our TV. After going back to the monitors, the 3D view feels like someone walking drunk/ on (heavy) drugs inside the room. Everything is super distorted in 3D view. Rest seems to be working normally. I reinstalled X13 and even clean the registry with Ccleaner, also reinstalled GPU driver but not luck. Any guidance? Cheers