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  1. Looking to add a Waterfall to my indoor pool plan with fountains on either side, I've searched the forms and can't seem to find any symbols posted. I also can't figure it out myself was hoping someone could help. Looking for something like this (this was posted in another form). Thanks -Evan
  2. I've done this a few times now and changed the settings and just let it run, but 37 passes? Thought it would look better then this, am I missing something?
  3. Yes, i understand and i have it checked, i've tried different ways of doing it, such as room divider, curved interior wall, curved exterior wall, making them 2 different room types.
  4. I am trying to make this room 2 different floor types, I have it divided with "room divider" but it only changes the entire floor. Anyone have a solution?
  5. That is probably how it got fixed, thanks I’ll look into my drivers
  6. I can upload a .plan file however the next day when I went to the camera (same exact camera with no changes) it looked completely normal. It was no longer black everywhere and I still don’t know why it did that. I noticed that PBR sometimes does odd things, for example it will turn the ceiling black or 2 of the exact same colours won’t look the same at all.
  7. It is X13 with a NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1650
  8. The way I do it is I set my camera and then change it to PBR then I mess around with the lighting and everything else until I get it looking as realistic/nice looking as I can. It usually takes awhile to make it the way I want it too, AND..I have to repeat that whole process every single time I move my camera to a new location and the settings are usually different then the first time camera angle. Thank you for you suggestion on getting a trainer, I have had one once and he was very helpful I will portably get another session soon.
  9. I'm sort of new to CA and I've noticed that every time I go to set up my PBR it takes me FOREVER to get it looking good. This time however it has taken me forever to make it look good and I still cannot figure out how to fix this. Can someone help me figure out what I'm doing wrong, I find PBR to be so challenging.