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Everything posted by LGallagher

  1. Does anyone know how I can place a Witch Window? I'm using CA Premier 16? I didn't realize until just now that this is a Vermont thing. Probably no one else except Vermonters would know what I'm talking about. I'm doing as-builts for a house with a Witch window and it would be great if I could get it in there for the renderings. Any help would be apprecited. Thanks
  2. SusanC - I just tried this and it still doesn't give me what I want. I unchecked toe kick on the sides for the end toe kick to be gone but it did both sides so there was toe kick in the middle of the island. I also tried the other idea with a partition but that didn't work either. Toe kick was behind the partition. The coders just need to make an individual check for all sides.
  3. Thank you SusanC It really should just be a check box without having to do all of that. Have you found a way to make inset cabinets under stairs that follow the diagonal of the stairs. I have not found a way to make wonky shaped cabinets in the cabinet tools. I work for a custom cabinet maker and we make wonky shapes all the time. Seems silly it is easier to hand draw them than use Chief. Thanks again for your solution
  4. I have a book shelf at the end of an island. I can only find a check for toe kick on sides - it doesn't look like it lets me specify whether I only want it on the right or left side. Is there a way to have toe kick on one side and the front of a cabinet?