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Posts posted by noobdesigner

  1. Hi, ranch style house has an attached garage to the left end of it and a porch right in the middle of it.  Trying to have Reverse Gable Garage and Reverse Gable Porch.  Every time I try to build a plane manually  it gets all wacky and the planes are in all sort of directions.  I want to have common trusses running in the length of the house and over the garage.  Then on the garage heading have the reverse gable and have it end before the middle of the roof being perpendicular to the trusses of the house.  Same goes for the porch, want the reverse gable trusses start at the 2x10 support on top of the two columns of the porch and lead back before the middle of the roof again perpendicular to the trusses of the house.  I have attached what I am trying to make it to look with reverse trusses.  Thank you for your help

    sample house.jpg