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  1. wow, so awesome! I am so grateful! It's obvious I'm a total newbie but I learn quickly, so the tips you gave me were like gold!! Thank you so very much!!
  2. And I sent the wrong shot of the window details, sorry
  3. and just fyi, some stuff like the fireplaces are just placeholders to show existing structures. I know those aren't accurate. The structural stuff is what I am trying to figure out.
  4. I wasn't sure if you were asking for the whole file so I just sent it. Thanks for your help newest addition.plan
  5. I think I have that checked...that's why I'm so confused. I don't know what I'm doing wrong...
  6. I created a two story ranch home that has a basement and a first level. I was able to create the foundation and interior fine but I need to put windows in the basement and cannot figure out how. The window will go on the interior walls but will stop at the foundation wall. I can create an egress on the outside with a hole through terrain build but the window will not go through the foundation wall. I'm guessing I did something wrong in the creation...but I am completely clueless. Any help would be appreciated, thanks!