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Everything posted by ChiefUserSR_Grit

  1. hello, when I'm drawing my monolithic slab my working plan view defaults to hiding all my walls, dimensions etc. I've checked my layers and everything it turned on. this did not happen in the tutorial so I'm not sure what happened. Photos are below: before slab... after slab... everything shows up in 3D so I know its all there. thanks in advance!
  2. hello, I am working on a light commercial remodel and trying to PDF my sheet drawings and when I do so my dashed lines are either showing up as solid lines or not showing up at all. I have checked all my layers and it shows properly on the computer. this is the drawing on the screen... and then when I export to PDF they are gone/solid... the dashed lines are just CAD polylines and you can see the layer is turned on. So I'm not sure what the issue can be. thanks for you help!