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  1. Hi! I have an issue with NKBA auto elevation dimensions tool. As you can see on the pic somehow the diamonds are missing. I want to modify what dimension can see and what don't. I have no idea what I did. Please Help!
  2. This is just a test kitchen. Finally I could figured out and made this pic. I am happy with this quality. But I am not a professional CA user. (yet)
  3. Good morning, thank you all your help and tips. Finally I figured out I think. I played with sun lm and angle and materials. What I think some materials can not reflect as I except so I changed some of those. (but maybe I am wrong) So for this attached plan: Light settings max 20, spot light with 85Lm, sun int: 1200, tilt angle: -32.3, direction angle: 80.4, and PBR.
  4. As I said I want at least some because now it is nothing as you can see on the pictures. If I setting 100% up should be like mirror or close I think. But NO REFLECTION at all.
  5. At least some. in the setting the reflection on 100% so I would except some. But as you can see (or not because not showing) nothing showing.
  6. Hi guys, I have an issue with PBR camera view. As you can see on the attached pic the reflection of the textures are missing in PBR. I know I do something wrong just can not figure out what is that. My second issue when I rendering this plan with this settings the result is dark and shady (untitled 5 renderelt 02.jpg) Thank you! Any advice are welcome!
  7. Good Morning, so finally I did this. I removed all my files (user catalog and textures) from documents and reinstalled CA. Now much smoother and faster. I do not feel any lags now. Thank you guys you are awesome.
  8. Yes I did try but same. Anyway thank you guys. I think the issue is not in my rig.
  9. Thank you all of you guys. So all my folder, library, temp file everything on the C drive what is samsung 970pro M.2 NVMe. As you said it it fast (Read: 3580MB/s, Write: 2600MB/s. Tested) and have 800GB free space on it. I set program priority from normal to high in Task manager just in case. I am using win10 Home edition. Fresh Clean Installed 4 days ago. All drivers up to date (including Nvidia came out today). What I was thinking maybe I did not installed some program what CA needs is.
  10. As you can see on the short video f.e. when install cabinet and I clicking it is looks like frozen for a moment. Or when I search in the library it is not smooth as I except. Maybe I am too stickler I do not know. Untitled.mp4
  11. Thank you all answers. I do not importing any other models from 3D warehouse or SketchUp. Downloaded all available catalog from CA site. Only I used to use is other backdrop picture. So basically what I meant after I working with the program couple of hours (5-8h) it start to lagging or frozen 5-6 sec when I try to do something. F.e. open library or open 3D view. What I thinking maybe some of cache memory starting fill up or my second think is I changed maximum undos from default to 50. Maybe this fill up something in the program or memory. I am not say this is something with the software at all just want to figure out what should be
  12. Hi, My name is Adam. Sorry about any incorrect world but English is not my native language. I have issue with Chief Architect Interior X10 version. Not all the time but very often the program is lagging or slowing down. Maybe my pc spec or I do not know. My pc spec: Motherboard: Asus X99 Deluxe II Processor: Intel I7 6850K ( 6cores, 12 threads) Memory: 32Gb Kingston DDR4 2133Mhz Hard Drive: M.2 Samsung evo970pro 1Tb (the program and the catalogs running on this) Graphic Card: Nvidia gtx 1080 (8Gb) Monitor: Asus 4K (using 2K resolution) Please give my any advice... Thank you!
  13. I have no idea how to get a dealer account. Do you know that?