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Posts posted by Tim_White

  1. Adding an additions onto a 1955 Brick Ranch on a 1/3 of an acre. 

    Total plan has a 3,500 square foot - footprint.

    I have created plans in Home Designer Pro 2021 with a great deal of help from the training staff at Chief Architect.

    Now,  I need an architects' review and certified stamp to apply for permits

    Elements of the project:

    - Remove exiting roof structure, and replace with 12\12 pitch, concrete type roofing, 

    - Solar Panels

    - Basement is being expanded

    - Exterior finished in the same brick as original house (already purchased)

    - No financing needed

    - New heating system (very likely with Geothermal)


    Need to be in the front range area, I would welcome an e mail at (timwhite.sanctions@gmail.com)



