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  1. I found the same video on CA website https://www.chiefarchitect.com/videos/watch/1530/drawing-parapet-walls-with-a-flat-roof.html?playlist=95 Is there a certain way to load the plan I get an error each time. Do I need to back it up and zip it maybe? it is less than 6MB
  2. Wow. first time using this forum. you guys are awesome in your response time. Yes. an error came up when I tried to load the plan file. I will try a different way next time. I turned on all layers in the rendering and still nothing. I just tried pulling the floor/roof in from the edges and the railing appeared. YouTube didn't show it so I thought I didn't have to do that. Don't like the railing. I will now redo with walls and see it is better looking. Please advise if I'm doing anything wrong when creating second floor. no video shows pulling floor/roof back. Since I turned on all the layers in the camera view, what is the best way to return to my Camera View Set original state? I forget to use the All On Set sometimes....
  3. I followed the Youtube video on creating a simple parapet wall using the second floor method. done it before, but for some reason now the second floor (parapet walls) do not show in my renderings or sections. did I accidently turn off som01 Dleon.planething?