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Everything posted by ShannonJM

  1. Hello! My cross section callout jumped down a floor and is now displaying on the wrong floor. How would I set which floor this shows on? Using: Chief Architect Premier x11
  2. Hey Dermot, I've erased the polyline I used to create an opening in the floor, and instead drew a Room Divider wall. Setting that room as Open Below has fixed the visibility issues, well kind of. I see the stairs below, but the graphics aren't showing properly. The stairs are set to show Normal on the floor above, but they are showing as dashed lines. Also, I foresee the invisible wall conflicting with the railing that will be needed along the floor edge. Is this the only way I'm able to create a proper floor opening for a staircase? Or is there an easier way that I'm missing?
  3. Ahh, okay. I was hoping you meant something else because I do not see that option anywhere
  4. Hello! I'm working on a set of stairs that goes from the main floor up to the second floor. I have them modeled properly on the main floor, have an opening in the floor on the second floor, but when I got to the second floor plan view I do not see them. Everything looks good on the first floor plan and on the 3D, but nothing on the second floor. Just the rectangle for the floor opening. I'm using Chief Architect Premier x11
  5. I have taken over a project, and drawing set, from another coworker that started it and has since left the company. How would I go about finding out what scale a drawing was sent to the layout in? Some of the titles on the pages are wrong, and some of the drawings do not have any existing dimensions or text, which is how I would usually determine the existing scale. I am using Chief Architect Premium x11 Thank you for any help with this issue!
  6. Hello! I am trying to rotate a small section of a plan I have drafted up and am having issues retaining the room info (i.e. fill & structure) as well as the placement of electrical entities. I've highlighted all of it, and since I do not have the option to rotate in the "Transform/Replicate Object" tool I've tried to mirror it twice (vertically, then horizontally). Whenever I do this (or move it) the room info resets, and the electrical jumps around to different walls. I've thought of making it a block first, but it does not give me that option either. The same issues happen when I copy and paste it into another .plan file. I've attached a pic of the plan section I'm trying to manipulate. I'm using Chief Architect Premium x11. Any help with this issue would be greatly appreciated!