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  1. THANKS ALL and DzinEye. I deleted the wall and built a new one and it apprears to be working! Now I'll just reset the window. As this point it looks like it's working! Can't believe it was that easy. Several hours wasted; but I'm back moving forward. THANKS AGAIN. Clint
  2. Guys; Need a huge favor from the community. Can anyone help me get my Kitchen, Mudroom, and butler panty Room Definition back?? The room difinition is gone. (it's on the left side of 1st floor plan attached) Lost floor. All cabinets fell to the basement. I've been trying to fix it for days, by disconnecting and reconnecting walls. All walls have "room definition". I believe I screwed it up when trying to align walls; manually, as we are using IFC Foundation and Cheif puts the wall over the foam. I also attempted a step foundation (walk-out) and that might have screwed it up. Anyway, here is the zipped file. (too large to attached normally). Thanks to ANYONE who can figure this mess out. Personal Regards, Clint Britt