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  1. Thanks glennw for the courtesy and professionalism to address my question and share your insight. It was just what was needed and worked out well.
  2. Finally able to devote some time to Chief Architect's software after using Autosketch (AutoCad) for many years! Attached is a plan file & four PDFs. This file [1666 porch same elev] shows the roof plane look I am after [1666 preferred roof planes]. If I keep the walls the same height, creating it is straightforward. What I want to do is raise the porch walls an additional foot to create this elevation look [1666 raised porch]. When I do, I end up with this roof [1666 unwanted roof planes]. I've tried various ways of using roof baseline polylines, adjusting walls and manual planes but not been successful figuring it out. It seems like I'm missing something basic? Software is 2018 HD Pro. Computer is Apple Mac Pro, latest OS. Kevin 1666 porch same elev.pdf 1666 preferred roof planes.pdf 1666 raised porch (wanted).pdf 1666 unwanted roof planes.pdf 1666 raised porch, unwanted roof planes.plan