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Everything posted by GoldenFeather

  1. Yes Keynotes!! Thank I a mind reader over there at Chief Architect? Thank You!
  2. Hello, I have seen others use a type of call out schedule with very complex plans that have a lot of details on a plan, this was with autocad. My question is: Can I somehow create a details schedule based off call out numbers. I would like to place a detail number on the plan and have the description in a chart somewhere else. Then I can label many details on a plan without cluttered words and arrows all over a plan. Thus far I have had to painfully create these lists and edit them, some type of schedule tool would be nice!! Thanks!
  3. I can not find that setting. Here is a better picture
  4. Hello! In the rest of the plan all the rafters are framed properly to sit on the top of the top plate the way they are suppose to. This one roof planes rafters are sitting on top of the top plate and where the rafters are cut and should be sitting on the top plate they are hanging over. I played with a few settings and cant seem to get it to work. ??? Thanks!
  5. Im using soffit on the floor in various locations for different things like hatch doors and other things and this is my question: How do I stop the baseboards from building automatically around the soffit when I place it on the ground? Thanks!
  6. Hello everyone! I have been doing a lot of ray tracing with Chief Architect and it does a beautiful job for my local residential clients who want additions built and remodels done. I really hate to say this but the quality of the Chief Architect ray trace is not standing up anywhere close to what some people online are producing for larger clients on a commercial level. My question is: What are some software recommendations where I could transfer my plan files and create a much higher quality ray trace? Some of these ray traces my competitors are putting out are absolutely shocking and unbelievable and Chief Architect sadly could never create that as of now. Another issue I ran into is that on some of my more in depth plans it took me over 24 hours for one ray trace. I'm set with chief architect for my plans but I need to take action with the quality and productivity of my ray traces before I fall behind the ball with my competitors. Thanks!
  7. Holy cow! That's a good sketchup add on!
  8. How long did it take you to do the chair?
  9. I have looked every where with no luck, does anybody have a texture that resembles this floor? Notice it has dark line between boards. This is an epoxy floor someone made by hand. Thanks!
  10. Greg_NY could you post a video of making the chair in Sketchup? I'm curious to see that. Thank you chopsaw! Watching video now.
  11. Any idea of how I would make the pieces of the chair that hold the back rest longer inside chief architect? Is there a video for that? Thanks!
  12. This is exactly what Ive been looking for. If you know of any more resources let me know! Great appreciation to you! Andy
  13. Thank you. I am slightly trying to modify this chair to look like the chair in the picture. I also have a lot of little edits that I would like to do to many other chief symbols that are close to what I need but need a small edit here or there. I am trying to learn how to edit 3D symbols in chief but have been unsuccessful in finding the resources to learn. The chair in the chief picture is close to the same but needs the two pieces that hold the back rest to be a little longer. Thanks!
  14. Is it possible to edit Chief Architect 3D symbols in Sketchup? I would like to: Export the symbol to Sketchup, edit it and then import it back to Chief Architect. Thanks
  15. You sir are a genius! I used the delete surface tool and achieved what I was after. Thank you for thet! I am interested in the second method you explained but I am having trouble following it. could you explain a little better? Thank you!!!!
  16. Hello, I have a table library symbol that I am using for a restaurant plan. I have always wanted to edit library objects but dont know if it is possible. I need the legs on this table to be metal and the top wood. When I change the material of the table it is all one so all the table changes. My question: Is there a way to edit library symbols such as this table so I can change shape, color or anything I would like? In this symbol I only want the legs to be metal and the top wood. See the photos! Thanks!
  17. I am new to Cheif Architect. I have been using it for about 2 years now. I have been doing some pretty cool things with it. I have a lot of it down well. I am now learning more about Ray Trace. My question is: How can I create a material that shows as stainless steel in Ray Trace. The default stainless steel material is not showing in a Ray Trace as stainless steel. Any help is appreciated.
  18. Hello, I am looking for a solution. I have CA X10. I am fairly new to the software. I have a old house I am trying to replicate on a plan. The first floor has 2"x7.75" floor joists that are connected directly to the sill plate which is a wood block 5.75"W x 7.75"H. The wood block sits on top of a 8" CMU foundation wall. There is a porch outside with the joists connected directly to the sill as well, BUT, it has a double rim joist (2) 2"x7.75" I tried 2 things: 1. I set the foundation to have a sill plate of 5.75"W x 7.75"H. and the floor joists build on top of the sill. Question 1: Can I tell the floor joists to build with the sill? 2. I set the foundation to have no sill and set the floor framing rim joist to 5.75"W x 7.75"H. This worked accept for 1 thing BUT: when I build the porch outside it has a rim joist of 5.75"W x 7.75"H Question 2: Can lock the framing for 1 or multiple rooms on a floor so when building new rooms on that floor they have different floor framing? My solution is to set the foundation to have no sill, and manually place the sill on the foundation wall using a floor beam and build the floors. Am I doing this all wrong or am I on the rite track? Thank You! GF