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Everything posted by Chiefsdad1

  1. Thank you. Whew. I wish the second reply which said, try this first had explained what I was supposed to try, but I didn't see any information to try first. Which meant I had to restore toolbars. AT least I can work, although my years of customization is, sadly, gone.
  2. Help. after computer issues with MS word and Outlook were cleared up by hired gun, I click on Chief, click new plan and am staring at blank screen which looks like graph paper with no tool bars. I open previous jobs and plans are there, but again, no tool bars are on the screen. None at the top or the side Yikes. Geezer contractor still working thanks the #%$#%!:"{ !! Recession. Grey hair (what's left of it) and geeky problems are not a good combination Top of my screen shows Chief Architect Premier X9 Then under that from left to right File Edit Build Terrain....Help Below that nothing but a big piece of graph paper What do I do to fix this? email Thank you in advance for your valuable time.