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Posts posted by Michaelx

  1. I have a glass table top that looks like crap with every light in the room reflecting off it like crazy and I can't really see through it. Standard Glass which is the same as the windows and they have no issue. I've turned most of the lights off, no lights close to it, and no outside light. Looks the same in Quick and High Quality. Is there a way to reduce the reflectiveness of a material. I've copied the glass to my User Cat but not really sure what to change.



  2. Ver X8. Here's what I'm trying to do. A floating soffit (12" below ceiling) with complex shape and rounded corners. I seems you can't make rounded corners on a soffit. No problem. I can do what I need with polyline solid or custom counter top and it comes out just like I want, but I can't place a recessed ceiling light in/under either of those. I've changed the layer to Cabinet, Soffit but still can't place a light.