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  1. Thank you Mr.Kbird for replying me! Your saying is true, i confilm Chief Architect product compare page and that CA version only can export the other 3d format except HD version. And i understand to have to buy CA version to attain my purpose creating game. For me experience $2000 of Chief Architect Interiors is very painful, because my purse is poor... I'm not student, i'm 24 years old(^^) I will deposit with effort to buy "Chief Architect Interiors" software. I thank everyone replying me with beneficial information!
  2. I'm sorry to contribute continuity. I'm specially fine to be accepted from user that have used HD version. Thank you!
  3. Thank you Mr.KilgoreTrout, Mr.Ibuttery for replying me! HD version can't export the other 3d format? Umm... If your saying is true, I have to buy CA version... Although I'm Japanese, i might telephone AC Customer Service with a lot of bravely. But my English is too poor, I feel worried to report my matter to customer...
  4. Thank you Mr.Nicinus for replying me! This software can export .3ds and .dae too HD version, but both format (specially .3ds?) isn't exported well... DWG is exported well, but that diffuse texture is lost is pained for me... Although i could know that HD support exporter of .3ds and .dae thanks to you. Difference between HD and CA i will study it. Thank you! I'm very fine to be given information from other user!
  5. Hi! I'm Japanese, and here question is my first time. So my sentence might have a little mistakes, please pardon me. I plan to develop game with unity, blender, but didn't find software to design interior in Japan. When i find Home Designer Software, i feel to find the right software for myself. But before i buy this software, i have a few questions about software. One is to export whether or not other 3d format, and another is difference of fellow products. I will buy " Home Designer Professional" of $509.95, but there is another type software "Chief Architect Premier" over $1500.00. I want to understand difference between the two software. Another questions is to export whether or not export other 3d format from &510 version. I plan to create game, so i need to export 3d format that blender and unity can import. I know specially to export whether .3ds or .obj. I'm sorry for making to read a long sentence. I'm very fine to get reply! Thank you!