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Posts posted by ChiefUserCris

  1. Been away from my computer for a while. Thank you very much for your help! I made a rookie mistake by accidentally turning on (make roof baseline polylines) in build roof Dialog box which wouldn't let me make roof changes.

  2. Here is the plan that I am trying to get the roof to generate for. The plan is far from done but wanted to see the roof before I went any further with the rest of the plan. Just started learning this program a couple days ago so maybe is something I'm just missing. Thanks to anyone that doesn't mind taking a look...much appreciated!


  3. Trying to generate roof but get a warning that the layers for a wall may be reversed for this wall. It even shows which wall but after I click on the reverse layers edit button for this wall and try to generate roof again I get the same warning message. I have edited wall to every type of wall and direction and I get the same warning. It is a wall with a kitchen on one side and garage space on the other. What else can I try to fix this?