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  1. Bro... you are the best! I really appreciate you. thank you
  2. Is there a way to make my floors (1 and 2 story) from 9' to 8' now that my plan has already been totally built? Everything my plan was built, and then I realized that my building is too tall per zoning and I can't figure out how to do it without starting over. Does anyone know how to do this?
  3. My mind is blown!!! This is it exactly! Two things: 1) Will you teach me how you did this? 2) Can I pay you to share the file? You can reach out to me @ 248.266.0993
  4. I just got into the Chief X15 software and I can't figure out how to create a gable roof over a 1.5 story Cape Cod with 2 Shed Dormers over the front and 1 Large Dormer over the rear. These need to be structural dormers and not just for decorations. Anyone can offer training, or would like to do it for me, please chime in. I will attach the floorplan to view. 14198 Garfield_CapeCod.plan