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Everything posted by shea-sheabuilder

  1. I saw an older post about wall definitions screwing this up but those steps didn't cure my issue. No matter what I do I cannot get the gap to go away. The closest I got was to change the absolute elevations on the second floor but that made my first floor 10' tall instead of the 9' I'm after. Gap between floors.pdf
  2. Awesome! obviously didn't think of that. i see that i have to break those exterior walls upstairs to isolate those roofs. Appreciate the help!
  3. This might be the dumbest question posted up here but I'm at my wits end trying to solve it. I have a house with a 6 pitch main roof. In the front are 3 gables and I want those pitches to be 10. When I select those walls and open 'roof' and choose 'gable' the pitch section is grayed out and shows 'vertical'. I know I'm missing something very obvious but even after reviewing the video I'll be darned if I can figure it out. Any help is appreciated. Pump Station Serenity Woods.pdf
  4. This is a 1.5 story "T" shaped house with 3 gables. The leg of the T looks over a lake and incorporates the main family room where the ceiling is 4' taller than the rest of the main floor. When I build the roof the new room height bumps up the main roof by the 4' as well, giving me multiple roof planes. I'm confused on why Chief doesn't just extend the roof on leg of the T into the main roof by just making it longer. My guess is the interior walls of the room go up 4' as well which causes Chief to build upon them. I placed an invisible wall at the T and main house to cordon off just the T and made it 4' higher and that caused a funky truncated gable end with a roof that sloped down towards the main house. This supported my theory that the interior wall heights of this room were driving the roof behavior. I'm assuming I just need to manually manipulate roof planes to get this to work? Roof Problem.pdf