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Everything posted by Andy6875

  1. Thanks for the tip, I will do that.
  2. Thanks to you and Drawzilla. I am being pressed into production before I am ready and it is most frustrating. I plan to watch and read as much as possible. I appreciate your suggestions and help.
  3. Sorry, I am new to CA. What is DBX and I didn't realize CA had layers. How do I determine what layer a chimney top is on? I am using X8
  4. How do I place a chimney Cap from the Library onto my masonry chimney? It allows me to drag it into the first floor plan view but not any model view.
  5. I am running Internet Explorer - thanks to you both.
  6. Thanks, I didn't intentionally set high ceiling values. I will adjust those. Another quick question - solver told me to close the file on my computer before I sent it and now when I try to re-open it, it says it is locked or open in another location?
  7. Sorry, like I said - I am new to Chief. is this what you need? There is a Foundation , First Floor, Second Floor and Attic. Smyth.plan
  8. Greg_NY61 Thanks, I am totally new to CA and the forum so any advise will be appreciated. Should I be on a beginners forum, just point me in the right direction. I have attached my file. Smyth.layout
  9. I am new to CA X8 and am working on my first house. I generated first and second floor plans and auto generated a roof but need to revise the roof. When I go to Build Roof, Auto Rebuild Roof the second floor walls extend up another full story and the new roof is added. I end up with a 3 story tall building. What am I doing wrong? Thanks, Andy6875