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  1. thanks for your replies guys. My copy of X9 is without a dongal, it is by password, so I am not trying to pirate it. Just thought it would be easier for him to use a dongal as his internet is a bit dodgy (he is in the country) Cheers, Rob
  2. Hi, The builder I work with would like to also use the software I use (X9). Does anyone out there have a dongal they are willing to sell. I assume I can use the .Exe program from my full license copy of X9. Thank you. Rob RWBD
  3. Hi Chopsaw, Got a reply from CA. Tried to log in again. No success. Went to a different site on CA & login was OK. I now have what I needed. Thanks heaps. If you ever need a place to stay if you come to Australia, look me up. You would be most welcome. Regards, Rob
  4. Thanks Chopsaw, Tried to log on to CA. No problems an hour ago. Now they don't recognise my email address. I have logged a "please explain". Regards, Rob
  5. Hi all, I wonder if anyone has an X7 start up file. I had it on my hard drive but it crashed. Thought I had a back-up but can't find it. I do have backups for data files etc. and a dongle for it so that part is not a problem. I obviously need to load the program on my new hard drive, so if anyone can email me the start-up file I would be eternally grateful. My email address is robwbd@gmail.com. Thank you
  6. Thanks Lew, Your generosity to members on this forum is overwhelming. Regards Rob
  7. Thanks Lew, Yes, X6 is legal & I still use it occasionally. I can supply proof. Thanks very much for your offer & I will certainly pay you for it. Regards Rob
  8. Hi, I normally work in X7 on my desktop but I need an X6 dongal for my laptop for when I am not able to connect to the Net. If you are willing to sell one, can you please let me know the cost. As I live in Australia, I suppose a local one would be the most convenient, but not entirely necessary. Regards Rob