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Posts posted by bulmandesigns

  1. I see what you're saying. Unfortunately that's even more work than just typing in my elevation label. I often build my terrain as per the survey but don't adjust my corners with elevation points as I want to see how it sits on the natural grade. So it would be great to get a macro/label that pulls the elevation from the terrain at that point. Perhaps not possible with chief. 

  2. I'm having trouble creating a macro that references the actual terrain elevation at that location. I would like to be able to place markers around the corners of my building which calls out the terrain elevation, not the room elevation. As of right now for example, I need to show corner property elevation numbers relative to sea level, rather than your typical 100'-0". So I draw my terrain at the correct elevations based on survey data and reference that back to the house "subfloor height above terrain" in the terrain specs. Then I just add a marker and type in my known elevations, it would be great if I can get a macro to reference the spot elevation of the terrain. 

    Hopefully someone out there can help me out. Thanks!

  3. 1 hour ago, BrownTiger said:

    ChiefArchitect uses what it needs. Windows 10 uses paged memory (can be swapped to physical drive) and non-paged can not.

    Non-paged memory is reserved for the drivers. The memory (paged) that CA allocated could be in allocated or committed state.

    Software also loads external libraries like DLLs. Typically done with LoadLibrary* APIs. Since executable code segments

    do not change, and you do not need to load the entire executable and every single library to run the code

    Windows loads what you need and maps regions for every code segment to a file (see MapViewOfFile ) for each DLL and EXE.


    If a process to load every single library, not only it will be very slow to start, wasteful, inefficient.


    CA also uses a ton of third party libraries, almost none of those multi-task/thread. PDF can not  imho parallelized.

    So really what you see is what you get. 



    Based on the last sentence, really what Chief needs if you aren't rendering is just one single super fast thread on your CPU then, to make those processes and layouts work more efficiently? 

  4. 15 hours ago, Renerabbitt said:

    CA simply does not need to utilize that much RAM- you'd see better performance by upgrading read write speeds, i.e. an m.2 NVME.

    Also your CPU clock speed is more important than number of cores for said issues.


    Could always see more benefit from creating a backed up ram disk for library/archives/undo's or increase your page file for a HDD etc... probably see better performance than trying to force allocation of ram


    I too felt weird typing that. It's 8gb. Apparently Speccy can only read up to 4gb graphics cards and thats what I had up at the moment.

    What do you do for your sections then? I add CAD elements, text etc, and like to send it to layout using plot lines. Do you recommend I use live view?

  5. 5 minutes ago, TheKitchenAbode said:

    Looks to me as if you just have a very large plan. Your system specs are more than ample, decent CPU & lots of ram. What type of video card do you have? Keep in mind that many instructions in CA are single threaded so those extra cores don't really help very much. What version of CA are you using? Might want to post your plan so others can give it a try.

    I've got a 4gb gtx 1080, using x11. As I mentioned above I'll upload a plan when I have a chance. I never usually experience slowness in plan view, but cross sections with cad elements. 


  6. 2 minutes ago, Renerabbitt said:

    There could be more to your issues than hardware allocation...imported PDFs can drastically slow down your system as well as a ton of CAD blocks or high poly count objects ..maybe post a layout file that is causing an issue. 

    NVME's drastically improve CA in my opinion...as well as everything else in windows.

    I also use a ramdisk to , at the very least, store undos...I use it for much more than that

    I personally do not use layout for anything other than a print application. ..my title block is in .plan, my layout remains blank until time of final print...previews are in plan only.

    I'll definitely check out the NVME, even if I just reinstall chief onto it rather than windows. 

    The layout in particular has a PDF on it that made me post, which I do know is the issue but I do have plans where when updating my plot line elevations it can cause some delays. I'll have a look around and see about uploading it. I usually add a bit of text on the layouts themselves but nothing dramatic.

    I also don't have many 3D objects in my files such as furniture etc. But in sections views I can get program delays/slowness with moving cad elements etc. 

    I've changed chief to have limited undos as at one point I thought it might be slowing the software down but might look into the ramdisk idea as well. thanks for your reply by the way, I appreciate it.

  7. 10 minutes ago, Renerabbitt said:

    CA simply does not need to utilize that much RAM- you'd see better performance by upgrading read write speeds, i.e. an m.2 NVME.

    Also your CPU clock speed is more important than number of cores for said issues.


    Could always see more benefit from creating a backed up ram disk for library/archives/undo's or increase your page file for a HDD etc... probably see better performance than trying to force allocation of ram

    My CPU is a 3.4ghz. I use SSD's, my ram is DDR4. 

    Do you ever experience this issues? comparing our CPU's you do have a larger cache. Are you suggesting I upgrade my solid state?

  8. I've been using chief since X6. Why will chief never use all of my computer memory? At most it uses ten percent, then goes to not responding when dealing with high detailed layouts, refreshing plot line elevations, generating layout previews etc. Can anyone help me to get chief to use more memory? I've tried setting the process to use more in task manager, it does help a bit. Chief also only ever uses a small percentage of my CPU if I'm not rendering

    I have a Ryzen 7 1700x 8 core CPU, 32GB of ram. Chief uses 1.3gb and 6% of my CPU max.

    I wish we had these settings like we do number of cores used in a render,

  9. Hi there

    I'm wondering if it is possible when drawing manual dimensions if one can choose the layer that they will be on before I put them in. For example.

    I've gone and done all of my floor plans with manual or automatic dimensions. Now I want to do a roof plan with dimensions, when I go to the layer set it pulls in the manual dimensions from before. It is possible while wanting to put in my next dimensions on the roof plan to already have them in the dimensions roof plan layer? Or would I have to change all my dimensions from before into a floor plan dimension layer, then start my roof plan and turn the new layer off?
