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Posts posted by Econ_Blueprints

  1. I broke down and sent in my order for a Windows 10 Desktop, and sadly I will be saying good bye to Windows XP, along with Cheif V10(A).

    Now it's time to upgrade Chief but can anyone tell me if CAD details in the latest version of Chief can be saved in alphabetical order as opposed saving them in the order they were created as in Chief 10?


    As for "Save As", for years I have been muttering obscenities under my breath at the way Chief will save a plan.....especially one that has evolved over the weeks, months, or even years.  Does the latest version still require you to save every single file you ever drew in the same directory with the layout so that when you open a layout you get the complete opposed to a list every file that is "not present" in the layout?  Having committed the unforgivable sin of deleting some of my older files, I find a lot of my layouts are incomplete and a lot of redrawing time is involved.  I could never understand why Chief did not capture every file  in one place, scrub it clean of its former locations and then make it a part of a fresh, stand alone plan/layout.




    Ed Orum