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  1. I tried one wall being set the opposite of the other but it made no difference in terms of one sitting on top of the other. So I don't know what I've missed.
  2. Thanks again everyone. dshall, what were the steps took to achieve this? I tried a few different things with walls and room definition and no room definition but couldn't get one to sit on top of the other. Must be missing something. Thanks.
  3. Thanks for the comments and suggestions. I did try using the lattice option from the catalog and it's close to what I'm after except the lattice is vertical and horizontal squares and is higher in proportion to the overall fence height. See the picture of what I've come up with. I changed the terrain "fence" (lower wall) material to use a vertical wood panel to simulate a picket style fence. The "real" fence has gaps in the wood planks so it's not exactly what I was trying for. But at least if follows the terrain which steps down as hopefully shown in the picture. Would be nice to have all the railing options to use for the lower portion. Even using the pony wall I haven't discovered how to control the bottom portion as a railing wall. You can change the wall types for the pony wall but you don't have access to railing parameters. i.e. These change the upper wall, not the lower wall. I realise you guys already know this, I was just "venting". Don't you just love work-arounds :-)
  4. Thanks Mick. That's pretty much resolved the issue for me. Appreciate you pointing me in the right direction. I wonder what the logic is for not allowing pony walls to follow terrain? Probably not a one line explanation I'm guessing. Cheers.
  5. Thanks Michael for your quick reply. I hadn't actually looked at the help file so thanks for pointing that out. It confirms what I observed with the option not being selectable for pony walls. So, would you have any tips for how I might achieve the result I need?
  6. I have a sloping terrain and I want to model a fence that has trellis on the top half of it. I tried a pony wall but the "Follow Terrain" option is not available for pony walls it seems. So my fence comes out level (see pictures) which isn't the result I need. Any ideas? I looked for other forum entries about this but could only find one reference to it here:
  7. Thanks to everyone for your replies and suggestions and thanks for taking the time to post some example files. All really helpful stuff.
  8. I was looking for a quick way to generate the enclosure each time I design a bathroom that has this type of shower. I had been using glass shower walls / doors etc. but I wanted to represent the frame as shown in the real world examples and not have to build the frame from scratch each time. With the cabinet, I can now put the frame against any wall combination and more easily have the frame adjusted to suit that combination. I'm definitely not suggesting it's the best way and I'm open to pointers for getting this done in a better, more efficient way. I guess I should probably post this in the tips and tricks forum?
  9. Doh! Where can I find the sheepish emoji? I don't have SSA unfortunately. Would X13 help me with the frame / stile thicknesses?
  10. Thanks for your replies / suggestions. Attached a few pics to hopefully illustrate what I'm trying to do. I worked out I can use the Accessories panel and set the Panel thickness (where is the default set?) and apply that as an inset panel in the front/sides/back settings. Thanks to your suggestions I realised I can use / make a door symbol and set the thickness of that. All I need now is to be able to set the thickness of the frames and stiles! Also, one of the pics asks a questions about where to set a default.
  11. Fair questions gentlemen. I should have been more specific. It's the metal frame and glass that goes into making the enclosure for a shower. I want to use Chief's cabinet tools to create this enclosure. Essentially I want to know if (and if yes, how) I can set the thickness of the "material" that is used to build the base cabinet. When I use the default metric plan the panel and frame thickness is 18mm. The "melamine" board typically used here is 16mm. This is particle board veneered with a thermoplastic coating. You might call it this in the US, I'm not sure. I want to use glass as my "panel" material which I'd like to set at about 5 or 6 mm. I have been able to use moldings for the top and bottom of the "frame' and using a framed box at 0 size with custom stile "widths" but I don't know how to set the thickness of the stiles.. I'll post some pics in a following post to this one to illustrate what I'm trying to describe. In the meantime here are some examples of real world enclosures...
  12. I've done a search on the forum but haven't found a specific answer but forgive me if it's been answered before. I'm building a shower cabinet and want to set the frame thickness to be 12 mm and the glass sides and door to be 6 mm. Can that be done?
  13. Thanks Eric for your replies. I'll get a plan sorted to upload tomorrow. It's very late where I am so it's time to go to bed :-)
  14. Yes, I saw some of your replies to other posts regarding backsplash issues and you'd suggested drawing your own. It's handy to be able to have the backsplash update when you move things around without having to do manual changes, although I haven't manually drawn backsplashes so I don't know how they behave dynamically. Really just wanting to know if it's something I'm doing incorrectly or if it's a software glitch.
  15. By checking the backsplash check box on the cabinet dbx.