My model to complete construction documents


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I am looking for help completing my drawings. My model to ready for building permit application. I am principally a builder and want to sub out the drafting. 
I would like to ask you all to review the plans ( I can't attach here - files to large -  please send me an email I can send to )  and give me a good ballpark figure of what it would take for you to reproduce a similar project. And an hourly fee for all building permit plan check corrections.
Pease supply me with 3 reference phone numbers I can call.
See all my drawings and notes, annotation per my building department is very important.  
To start a new project I will do the site plan , notes, terrain, a completed model ( floor thru roof model ) ,  scope of work, zoning and sq ft data. 
I will handle all engineering and reports.
Please call me with any questions. 
My Best, 
Chad Williams
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