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Posts posted by Connelly

  1. After much trial and error, it is the Brightness setting that is the issue. Pushing the Brightness up even a little bit is creating the haze. Setting the Brightness to 49% or lower, and the haze vanishes.

  2. Removed half the lights, made the recommended adjustments, and the haze is still there. Actually, it's worse. Exterior RT come out great. It's the interiors that are the issue. This one is real head scratcher.

  3. I am having a problem with haze in ray trace renderings. This is the best result so far, but it is not good. Ray trace method is CPU (only option for the computer). The same haze issue is happening in PBR (no ray trace). Any suggestions on how t get rid o the haze?


    The darker picture is ray trace. The brighter picture is PBR (no ray trace).


    Computer is an iMac with an Intel chip.

    CPU Ray Trace Options ->

         General: 1024 x 689 pixels, 72 ppi, 30 passes, all other items unchecked.

         Lighting: Use Automatic Settings, Use Ambient Occlusion min=0.2, max=0.6, Direct sunlight = 2.0, Enable Environment Light = 1.5, Use Color (white), Light Set = Custom light set

         Image Properties: Use Tone Mapping, Auto Contrast, Intensity=50%, Softness=0%, Color Correction=0%, General Properties Brightness=60%, Contrast=50%, Saturation = 59%

    Adjust Sunlight: 500 lux, tilt angle -23º, Direction angle 85º

    Camera Options -> Perspective Full Overview Specification: Show color, Shaow Shadows, Ray Casted Sun Shadows, Reflections, Bloom, Edge Smoothing when Idle, Ambient Occlusion 0%, Use Sunlight, Light Set - Custom light set


    I have tried changing every setting, and still haze. Tone mapping on = haze, tone mapping off = haze. Occlusion = 0%, 50%, 100%, all have haze. Sunlight at 500 lux to 100,000 lux = haze, enable environmental light from 0.5 to 5.0 = haze. Every parameter has been changed and still haze.






    RT kitchen small-1.jpg

    PBR Kitchen, hazy.jpg

  4. Yeah, crazy concept, build according to plans. But, hey, that's we do here. ;-)


    I am using CA X12 for Mac.


    With the layout file open --> File --> Export --> Export pdf

    In the popup window:


             Name: Chief Architect Save As PDF

             DPI: 600


            Orientation: Landscape

            Size: ARCH D (24" x 36"

        Print Range


        Print Source

             Drawing Sheet ARCH D (24"x36")

         Drawing Scale

             To Scale    (Note Drawing Scale: "100%" is grayed out)


              Copies: 1

        Advanced Options

              "Open System Print Dialog" is grayed out


              Update Automatically


    Then, click on "Save as PDF".




  5. When a layout is saved as a pdf and then printed, the scale is off. Paper size is ARCH 24 x 36 and scale is set to 1/4" = 1'. The error factor is different on different printers. The printout from Office Depot, a 40' dimension measures 38' 10.5" using a scale ruler. That is an error of 2.8%. The printout from our Engineer, a 40' dimension line measures 39' 7" on a scale ruler, a 1.5% error.  Either way, it presents problems in the field. How do I make sure the scale on the print outs are accurate?


    Thank you,
