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  2. We've come to realize the necessity of having a centralized platform to manage all our projects and communications with clients and vendors. However, our budget doesn't allow for expensive options like BuilderTrend or other building software costing $500 or more per month. We're specifically seeking a product that is user-friendly for our clients and allows us to upload design details for their approval. Additionally, it should offer flexible invoicing options such as combining line items into one price, accepting deposits and retainers. It should also provide tools for tracking project timelines, ideally with a Gantt chart or similar feature. Integrating seamlessly with QuickBooks is crucial for us. Eager to hear what solutions others in similar situations are using.
  3. @Gawdzira@ericepv - Thank you both! Why would that turn off from project to project? I don't touch those things..
  4. Open the DBX for each wall, in the 'Structure' tab click on 'Default Wall Top Height' in the 'Default Wall Heights' section.
  5. select your walls and check this button
  6. Morning Everyone! Here's a stumper I've never encountered before!! I built my walls as usual, added my windows and door, added my roof using auto build (I'm not really worried about what it actually looks like) and this happened! i went in and messed around with some values, changed the walls, changed the room definition, no budge. Any ideas what I'm doing wrong? ChiefSupport.plan
  7. Today
  8. Joe, how can I purchase some of your packages?
  9. If I understand you correctly, you want to use a half wall which is just a solid railing. Either use the 'Half Wall' option from the 'Build Wall' tool or just make your existing wall a railing by checking 'Railing' in the 'General' section of the DBX for the wall and then in the 'Rail Style' tab, check 'Solid' in the 'Specify railing ' section.
  10. Here is a link that describes what you're wanting.
  11. How do I get my stairs to have a railing at the lower part and then a full wall at the upper part? Like this attached picture.
  12. If I wanted to construct a small structure with just a pony wall, but not the upper wall, how would I go about this?
  13. Yesterday
  14. Or…open the shed roof, lock the pitch, lower the ridge to the specific elevation…which you’d find by doing a cross section through the room.
  15. Cross section camera I drew a cad triangle the shape of the roof got the length of the short side and subtracted it from the default ceiling height
  16. Thanks Mark, seems like that gets me an additional second floor in my template plan which I really don't want as most of plans are single story. still can't quite understand why Chief defaults to 97 1/8" for that second floor default. Thank You again.
  17. Thanks Mark that definitely worked. But how did you find that measurement if I may ask?
  18. That shows up when you use File, save as template Attached file has 108" first floor and 97" second floor. 2nd fl
  19. Here's a section view. The speaker is in red:
  20. This is what I get. You'll need to mess around with the height of the speaker to get it where you want it.
  21. I'm sure. Here's a quick Loom of what I'm experiencing.
  22. Are you sure you used the Hole in Ceiling Platform tool and not the Roof Hole or Hole in Roof / Custom Ceiling tool?
  23. Draw a polyline circle and convert it to a hole in the ceiling and then place the speaker in the hole. You will first need to convert the speaker to a symbol and then make it an interior fixture which will allow you to specify the height of the speaker.
  24. I have, but it doesn't seem to do anything to the ceiling.
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